The mission of the Department of Public Works is to design, build, operate and maintain the Townships public facilities and infrastructure in a manner that is safe, sustainable, economical and attractive. The Department of Public Works is responsible for the general management, operation and care of the infrastructure found in the Townships right-of-way including streets, alleys, parking lots, bridges, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, traffic signals, traffic signage, street striping, legend painting, curb painting, sanitary sewer system, storm drain system, reclaimed and potable water systems for irrigation, street lights, street sweeping, graffiti removal, landscapes and tree trimming, right-of-way permits and inspections; general management operation and care of Township facilities and properties including electrical, carpentry, plumbing, air conditioning & heating systems, painting, janitorial, phone system; the purchase, maintenance and repair of the Townships vehicle fleet and equipment; review of development projects for public improvements, review of tentative and final subdivision, review and approval of waste management plans.
The Department of Public Works is responsible for all Public Works functions of Municipal government, and for providing technical advice and service to other departments. Through the Public Property and Motorized Equipment Divisions, DPW touches every other city office. Through streets and parks maintenance, the Departments responsibilities extend to every corner of the Irvington.
Our most recent projects that we are undertaking includes the Energy Modernization Pipe Replacement Project with PSE&G to increase gas and energy efficiency for residential homes and businesses in the Township. This project provides access to increase energy assistance for our property tax payers at no cost to the property owner. Our partnership with PSE&G on this project was an investment of $25 million from the utility company.
Similar to our gas and energy, our water pipe replacement project with American Water to increase water flow efficiency is headed into our 4th year. With an investment of over $3 million from American Water our residents have much needed infrastructure upgrades and access to better pressure and most importantly clean water.
On our commitment to build our response to storms or emergencies we have partnered with PSE&G on the creation of a new power substation housed right here in Irvington. This will allow in the need of emergency to ensure a much better quick response to restoring electricity in the Township. All investments into this project were funded through PSE&G.
Our road infrastructure was a major issue when we arrived in 2014. Mayor Tony Vauss and Council Members has significantly invested into the pavement of Township Streets and the installation of speed humps to decrease speeding within the Township. The Department of Public Works working alongside our Engineering Department has been able to produce more streets paved and the installation of speed humps than in any other administration in modern history. With the additional resources from the Federal government and New Jersey’s Transportation Trust fund, our plan moving forward will ensure every street in Irvington will be improved in future months ahead. As we toured the Township during COVID-19 and attended many Council Members virtual community meetings, we received requests from residents for permit parking. Working daily with Council Members throughout the Township we have installed over 200 permit parking signs for residents to safely park personal automobiles in front or near their homes.
One of the many factors that was witnessed during COVID-19 in the Department of Public Works was in the increase in garbage. Standing alongside with the mayors motto Keeping Irvington Clean and Safe, we have partnered with the Office of Mayor with the distribution of free garbage disposal cans to residents to properly store materials in a safe receptacle. In addition, with the increase in recycling in the Township, we will once again be awarded a recycling grant from the State of NJ and continue the distribution of recycling cans within the Township of Irvington in 2022.
Over the years in the Township of Irvington, it lacked a forestry plan for beautiful trees in which many trees became diseased or are decaying. With our new Superintendent of Shade Tree, we have removed and or serviced 500 trees within the Township. Furthermore, our plan for 2022 to 2024 as it relates to Irvington becoming GREEN FRIENDLY, we expect to plant and place over 200 new trees within the Township of Irvington, making us the fastest urban center community in planting trees for our environment. Lastly, the Department of Public Works has the core responsibility of ensuring our public buildings are safe for our dedicated employees, residents that visit our facilities or members of the community that do business within the Township.
As a result of our commitment to these facilities, the Vauss Administration has embarked on a $2 million investment in replacing multiple boiler systems, which included pipe installations in the Township. Investments include asbestos removal and restoration of heating and cooling system at the Township of Irvington City Hall. Further investment also included currently replacing the roof at the Department of Public Works facilities at Coit Street and 16th Avenue.
COVID-19 hit all of us. Fortunately, due to the dedicated men and women of the Department of Public Works we did not miss a beat. Our crews worked throughout the pandemic as well as our most recent storm, Hurricane IDA. As a result, the Department of Public Works working alongside our fellow departments we will be reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for Township damages and restore our workforce budget that depleted through this tragic event.